The overall pressure from the bed against the wall made it very uncomfortable for him, as there was little space and it caused him to struggle to breathe. The cries and shouts from Inna woke Hassan and Husaini after Sadiya had gotten up and said what she did.
"Innalillahi, today I saw with my own eyes the old ones, and it felt like I was under attack; people do not fear Allah at all, except for destruction, and I am suffering in my body, everything is painful," Inna said, weeping like a small girl who has been beaten with a knife.
"Oh Inna, what do you want us to do with our lives? You are talking too much now, between you and Allah, in this night you are waking up and crying while saying some meaningless things on the bed," Sadiya said, reaching out her hand to pick up all the children from their beds and placing them on her lap.
"Indeed, Sa'adiyya, you have no faith; by Allah, instead of asking me for a reason, you are just scolding me as if you are my mother who is scolding me?"
"What do you want me to ask you, Inna, after you have woken me and the children? Here you are just talking with your mouth, and you are waking up the husband."
"Who is the husband? I said who is the husband? What husband or what is the matter? The only thing is to call your husband, the man who is lying down sleeping like a dead person until a big fat one jumps over him in the living room and comes in here to disturb me, apart from the trials of modern children, what will be felt by the old woman?"
"Oh Inna, I do not understand what you are saying?"
"I told you that a big fat one came and entered my room, and out of disrespect, it pressed me, a kind of pressing that made me feel like an electric shock had hit my body; it did not stop there but pushed me further," she said, releasing a cry of regret for what had happened to her.
Imran, who was between the bed and the wall, let out a sigh of relief upon hearing that Inna did not recognize him; she thought someone else had entered the house.
"Oh Allah, grant us what we can bear; indeed, You do not burden Your servants with what they cannot bear. I am the one who is most affected, and you are telling me stories that are just old tales," Sadiya said, as she laid Husaini down after he had finished breastfeeding and went back to sleep.
"Your mother Rakiya is the one who tells old tales; I said your mother Rakindaɓo is the one who tells old tales; oh Allah, I repent until I show you that I am lying down like the full moon, I am aware of everything, there is no old tale."
"So Inna, if it is not an old tale, what did you say happened to you? For Allah's sake, this will take a lot of understanding; who will understand what you mean when you yourself do not know what you mean?"
"No one understands except a mad person, since I am telling you the story of a mad person, that is, here is a mad woman telling a story that only a mad person will understand."
"May Allah grant you patience; just tell me, by Allah, sleep is in my eyes," Sadiya said as she laid Hassan down after she had finished breastfeeding him. Inna let out a breath upon seeing the gift that Hassan had received from Sadiya as he was placed on her bed, her heart felt light.
"I told you that a big fat one came and entered my room and pressed me until it pushed me further."