She gathered all her clothes from her wardrobe onto the bed, then stuffed them into a large bag that looked like she was about to move. She took out a metal box similar to those of her people, filled with her new clothes for going out. As she put the clothes in, she smiled broadly, feeling a certain joy in her heart. "Today is the day of the wedding," Inna Azimi said as she tried to zip up her bag, but seeing her prayer mat made her stop and take it out, saying, "I don't want to pray except on my prayer mat, and you know how shy the children are when you ask them for something, so you better get it yourself." She said as she placed her prayer mat down carefully to fit it into her bag. She quickly took a bath and hurried out, glancing at her sister-in-law's room, she frowned and thought to herself, "I won't tell you that I'm feeling unwell, you will only see me with my things when I go to the city, if I want to, may misfortune take you, since you have no family in the city." She said with a pout like a little girl. She entered her room, applied some oil, put on a headscarf, and looked into a small mirror, adjusting her face like a young girl. After she was done, she took her batik dress folded on the bed, which she had set aside for when she would go out. She dressed herself, took her smooth silk scarf, tied it, and even adorned her forehead with it. She bent down to pick up her Medina shoes because that was what she wore when going to a wedding since it was the one she wore to see the king. She pulled it out of the room and set it aside, took her old slippers that had become worn out, and placed them under the bed. She took her perfume and applied it, then put the bottle in the small pocket of her bag, saying, "This will be for the wedding day, and I will wear it, but why should I smell good on the wedding day when I am coming from the village?" She said, pouting her lips. She took the rest of her jewelry, opened it, and wore some while locking the rest in a small posh bag that her sister Sadiya had given her. "Now that I have finished everything, let me go ask Malam, so he doesn't hear and think that I am going without permission," she said as she stepped out towards her husband's door near the entrance of the house. Standing straight, she knocked on Malam's door, saying, "Forgive us." "May Allah forgive us," Malam replied, looking at her in surprise at her appearance, knowing she was preparing to go out, and since he knew weddings were only for those close to her, it meant she would either inform him or not, but he thought to himself. Inna Azumi also finished entering her room and noticed Tasalla sitting there, and at that moment, she remembered that Tasalla was the one who cooked. She glanced at Tasalla and said, "Umm, I heard someone has a toothache," she said as she found a place to sit. Malam was still looking at her in amazement until she sat down and said, "Hello, Malam." He looked at her and frowned, then said, "Well, how are you, since I know the gossip is not beyond the fact that I saw you preparing to go out?" "Oh Malam, I just wanted us to talk," she said, looking at Tasalla because she wanted Malam to tell Tasalla to go out since she didn't want Tasalla to know about her trip, so she pulled out her bag to give her a surprise. "Tell me what brought you here," Malam said, still looking at her with no smile on his face. She hesitated, and while chewing on the remaining piece of candy in her mouth, she said, "It's Halima, the girl from this boy, I am going to give her a bath, so..."