For forty seconds, he didn't say a word, but then he looked at Lasmirat and corrected his voice and said, "O queen of the beautiful world, know that you have really come to me with a big issue"
Of course, you did not give a little wisdom if you expressed the need for me because the knowledge of magic is a river, no matter how immersed you are in it, you will not take away the contents
And those who can speak know that what Babba sees a child or steps on a ladder will not be seen, what research has confirmed to me is what your explanation is.
If you want to be more powerful than anyone else, the king will stay on the throne for a long time and marry the richest husband in the world, then you must own three things so that you can successfully get water from the river
First of all, we will find the water of the Maul-Hayatu river, and then some magical rings that are kept in the ghost cave in the Arab region in a forest called Husumul-Kadar
The last thing is kubar miftahul-daryal,
We will use that water when we enter a forest before we reach the place of the sorcerer's stream
• Daryalu takr, the water will protect us from some calamities in the forest,
As for those rings, we will use them when we enter the house of the sorcerer Daryalu in the first group to put them in our hands
Because there is no way, a person enters the house unless he carries these magic rings,
We will use the miftahul-daryal to open the house of the sorcerer Daryalu
As soon as we managed to fetch water from the Kinsha river, you will not marry the poorest person in the world, that's it
when the sorcerer Dayyubul-Barmas came to his senses, the attention of the queen of Lasmirat became confused
She looked at him with signs of pure worry and said, "O King of Witches, will I own these things before the deadline reaches me?"
Even after hearing this question, Dayyubul-Barmas laughed and frowned as if a death message had been sent to him
Then he burst into tears.
This is the case that surprised the queen of Lasmirat and he confused her to look at him and say
• the father of witches, what is the reason for this laughter, when you cry?
When he heard this question, Dayyubul-Barmas wiped away the tears and opened his mouth and said, "O leader, what made me laugh is that research has confirmed that I am a witness in this era, I am a sorcerer who will gain glory more than anyone else, so that he can fulfill his dream"