The tall building, what is so big and wide that it can be called a single town, a house that or not you would directly call the palace because of the way the building is designed to be beautiful for the size and length of a building..
Tsugunne is in front of the big man who has been crowned and covered with his face and nothing is seen except his nose and eyes, from his sight or not, he is the King who is ruling this great kingdom, what is the history including and wonders and miracles combined with a lot of pride and strict rule, what is going on with the old traditions, that is KING MUHAMMED HASHIM II, who was seventh in the list of kings who led and ruled this great kingdom.
This is the kingdom of DAULATUL NOOR located in the town of Giwa in the south of Hawarya country, a kingdom that is one of the four major kingdoms in the country
As I said before, the DAULATUL NOOR kingdom is a kingdom full of famous rule and power, including religious and modern knowledge, seven kings have ruled this great kingdom so far and His Highness King Muhammad Hasheem is leading it.
King Muhammad Hasheem Kamili is also a righteous king who is famous for executing justice without looking at the dignity, closeness or position of the person who committed a crime, he was a brave and fearless king, which made the servants and all his subjects proud of him and happy to be under him.
His very sharp eyes and the effect he uses to give the criminal his first sentence and he pours it on his eldest son who is in front of him and treats him with them.
His father's sharp eyes on him did not feel any pain at all, he is still on his side that he will not accept the crime that the world hates the perpetrator, the crime he feels that he has the power to prevent the existence of those who commit it in the country, but today he is accused of committing this crime and he is trying to force him to answer with his mouth but he feels that a knife will be placed on his throat and separated from his breath and he will never do what they want.
Withdrawing his eyes, King Muhammad Hasheem looked at his child and looked back at the thousands of people who filled the palace to hear and see the punishment that will be given to PRINCE SARAKI who was arrested for one of the major illegal crimes committed by the kingdom. prevent her and God condemns their sending.
His Highness corrected his voice while you were in a pure state and he started talking slowly in his voice full of elders which apart from the minister who was close to him, even his son who was standing in front of him did not hear what his father said.
The minister stood up after listening to the speech given to him by the honorable king and looked at the people in the palace and started talking.
"It is known to everyone in this town that Albarka ZINA is one of the biggest crimes that the kingdom has condemned and prohibited from sending mine. It is a matter of chance that PRINCE SARAKI was found to have committed the worst crime whose greatness has affected the crime of adultery, that is RAPE". The minister took a deep breath and took it
"According to the many and powerful facts presented in this fight, what Albarka, the prince was found guilty of raping two slave girls and threatening them if they let them know if they were their parents, one of whom died while the prince was pregnant while the other was alive with his two-month pregnancy on her body, also, last year, the prince was arrested for raping the sister of Princess Saud who visited her sister, Princess Husna of the Kingdom of Kangiwa therefore, the justice of our king sentenced him after listening to all the parties that are suing and conducting a thorough investigation where the prince was found to be involved in committing this crime, so now the paper will read to us the sentence that our president gave to the criminal.
He let go of his heart for the long noise that the minister made when he went back to sit down and connect and hand over the paper to the clerk that his Highness gave him.
The palace is quiet, you can hear nothing but the sound of the clerk's voice that echoed the palace because of the sweet voice that God gave him.