The night was dark, enveloping the town so much that you couldn't see your hand in front of you due to the thick darkness. Two women were walking swiftly along a narrow path covered with grass and plants, one following closely behind the other, matching her pace wherever she stepped.
They spotted a flickering light ahead, which encouraged them to quicken their pace until they reached the source of the light. The woman in front turned to the one behind and said, "Stop here." Respectfully, the other replied, "Your life has been preserved, come out safely." She hurried towards the light as if she were about to fall, eager to reach her destination. There was a large stone at the site, draped in red cloth, adorned with the heads of rams, some bleeding, some dried up, and others turned to bones.
She fell to the ground and exclaimed, "She has given birth! She has given birth to three male children at once!" As she spoke, her voice trembled, revealing her anxiety and fear. You wouldn't believe there was a creature there due to the overwhelming darkness that surrounded the area, making it impossible to see anything at first.
"Ha! Ha! Didn't I tell you she would give birth? We already knew she would give birth, and the children will grow up," came a voice, sounding ominous and frightening to the listener. Surprisingly, she was not scared; instead, she adjusted her position and said, "What should I do? I can't bear this at all; you must find me a solution, you are my strength. If these children grow up, I will be in trouble."
"What do you want us to do to the children? Kill them? Mutilate them? Ruin their future? Distort their minds? Kidnap them? What do you want us to do? Which one do you want us to help you with?"
She frowned, showing disbelief, and in a trembling voice, she said, "I don't want them killed; I want them to live and experience the kind of life I have prepared for them. I don't want them to go mad because I want their minds to be intact, but they should be able to control it. I don't want their lives ruined because I need their calmness. I don't want them kidnapped; I want them to grow up in their home where they can see and feel their surroundings, as their home will give them more value and importance. I want them to live, but each of them should know what is expected of them, as this will make them realize that their royalty will be greater than them in the future. I don't want Rabi's blood to make any significant movement; I don't want Rabi's blood to be exalted in the world, as she feels superior to everyone; I want to show her that she is nothing but a mere shadow in my presence."
He laughed menacingly and said, "Take this as done; wait for their growth, and you will see the kind of character that will emerge from each of them. I am saying this, and if I say it, I will not retract until I am sure. But with a condition!"
Her voice trembled as she asked, "What is the condition?"
"Whatever happens later, we have no part in it; our work is already done. If you see any change, then you must ensure you comply with what I will tell you in the future."
Joy filled her heart as she said, "I agree to any condition, no matter the hardship, the challenges, or the anxiety; I agree to do it. I am grateful; I will not shed tears for you, I know."
"Get up and go; what you want will follow!" he said, startling her as she quickly stood up, turned, and left the place, her heart filled with joy at having achieved her desire.
King Dr. Nasir Sa'ad Muhammad is the thirteenth king of the Azare kingdom located in Bauchi state in northern Nigeria, a grandson of the esteemed King Azare Muhammad Nuhu, the father of the twelfth king. His father, King Sa'ad, was the twelfth king in the Fulani region, followed by Nasir Sa'ad, who became the thirteenth. He has many siblings, all sharing the same mother and father, but only Allah chose him among them to inherit the Katagum throne despite having many older siblings.
King Nasir Sa'ad is an educated and enlightened king with a PhD in religious studies, and he is known for his depth in this field. He is a leader who is knowledgeable, just, and compassionate towards his subjects in every aspect, never tolerating injustice from anyone, regardless of their status. The kingdom will punish anyone who acts unjustly, but it is often hidden so that the news does not reach his ears.
He is known for his generosity and charity, especially towards those in need. He makes efforts to provide for young women who are to be married but lack household items, striving to assist them without relying on government funds. This has endeared him to the people of Azare and its surroundings, as everyone wishes him well, knowing that if his goodness does not reach you, it will reach someone close to you.
He has three wives, the eldest being Fulani Sa'adatu, who is the head of his household, married to him before he ascended the throne. They have five children, four daughters and one son, who is the youngest among them. She is a woman who openly shows that there is no one she loves more than him, but secretly, she is more possessive than anyone else. Her sole desire is that her son remains the youngest, so he does not inherit the Katagum throne at this time, lest anyone else inherits from her children.
His second wife is Fulani Rabi'atu, the daughter of a king and a granddaughter of a king, who is also the wife of the king of Kano, whose father inherited the throne from his father. He married her shortly after ascending the throne.
She is a woman of strength and authority, exhibiting complete control over everything. If you see her and observe her manner of speaking and walking, you can tell that royal blood flows through her veins. She is a beautiful woman, as her mother was very beautiful. She is educated and keeps her eyes open, not looking at anyone because she knows every detail of the royal household since she grew up there.