The room was silent, only the sound of the AC could be heard. The people standing in the room were fidgeting, as if waiting for a result. A young girl was kneeling on her knees, her face showing extreme anxiety and distress, her face wet with tears. "Is this my result in your eyes? Is this the kind of result you think I deserve?" A large woman said, "Did you really expect to get a result from a stray cat? It will never be a cat; I warned you about this a long time ago, but you couldn't heed it, now it has shown you that it is a stray." The girl wiped the tears streaming down her face, without regret for what was happening in her heart, she said, "This is not a bad result, it is what you trained me for, I am truly standing by it, I have no intention of hurting anyone in this house, everyone is doing their job, I deserve justice, not to be shown as the one lying, let me do my own work." The woman shouted, "Is there still a truth in you..... The elder raised his hand and said, "That's enough, get up and go, I don't even want to see you, go do what you think is right for you." In weakness and distress, she said, "Father, you don't want to see me, do you?" "Yes, if you are afraid of upsetting me and my anger, you must give your brother full cooperation to carry out his work properly." In extreme distress, she said, "But Father, what about my future...? My voice should be heard, Father." He did not wait to hear what she would say, he moved to leave the room. In extreme distress, she held his leg and burst into tears. "Oh my father, what is left for me in this world, if I am to live with you angry at me, please forgive me, I will do what you say, God willing," tears continued to wash her face, pure regret and worry overwhelmed her, she cried and sobbed as if she would break, but he pulled his leg away and left. As he left the room, it seemed the people in the room would devour her, they surrounded her with noise, each saying their own thing. She stood up, wiped her tears, and quietly took another way to leave them the room, in a manner of self-care. In her room, she entered, opened a drawer, took out some papers and dropped them on the bed, turned on her charging system beside the bed, and at the same time picked up her phone and started pressing it. Hearing someone move behind her made her turn around quickly. She saw him standing at the door, his face devoid of cheer or light. She focused, continued pressing her phone, he walked towards her, stopped, looked at her and said, "Are you ready to do what you were ordered to do or not?" In haste, she caught her breath and said, "I didn't say I was ready, and I won't be ready, from now until forever, you should leave and separate from me." He looked at her in great surprise, "Now all the crying you did, were you lying?" In anger, she said, "What do you care, whether the crying is fake or real, do your job and let me do mine, do not attempt to force me into work, otherwise anything can happen, I swear I will not break what I intended, and if you continue to pressure me, I will surprise you." He reached out, lifted her from the bed and said, "What will happen, what kind of surprise will you give me? What will happen, I want you to tell me. Do you have sense? You know the law but you are trampling it as you wish? What are you standing on?" "Law? I have done my part, you are trying to violate it, leave me alone, do your work and I will do mine, whoever wins, that’s it. If you see fit, go tell Father what he has done to me, I swear there will be no running away or retreating, I will not start until I have succeeded," he threw her back on the bed, breathing heavily, his heart was burning, he made a kind of grunt while looking at her. In haste, he left the room, because if he continued to stay, he might do something that would not be good. She crouched up, sitting on the bed, looking at the door he exited.