She was walking slowly as if she was in no hurry, and despite the stormy weather with strong winds and dust, she continued her journey calmly as if nothing was wrong.
In front of her, I saw a black beauty.
She turned and said, "Essha, Essha," calling her twice. "Hurry up, or else I will leave you. You know we might miss the Nepep with the weather like this, right?" But the one called Essha didn't even lift her head; she just kept smiling.
Then I heard a soft voice saying, "Come on, bestie, hurry up. I can't leave without you." The one called bestie approached and nudged her, saying, "By God, Essha, you're annoying me." Essha replied, "Oh, bestie, forgive me," holding her ear.
"Okay, I understand. Hurry up so we can get home," Essha responded, "Let's go."
When they got to the main road, they were lucky to find a Nepep. Bestie said to the driver, "We are going to Bukar Ari'i via Yumaco." The driver responded, "Okay, I understand. Get in, let's go." As they got in, they started chatting about a wedding they had attended recently. Essha asked, "Do you know what, bestie?" Bestie replied, "How would I know?" They both burst into laughter. "But honestly, I loved the place. If you plan to get married, we should hire the decorator," Essha said.
Bestie replied, "Really, girl, you think you can mock me? You didn't say you would get married, only me." Essha responded, "Well, I have no plans for marriage. I want to study medicine, God willing."
"Please, stop talking about this. You don't know God's plans," Bestie said.
At that moment, the driver said, "We have arrived." Bestie responded, "Here is your fare, thank you."
After they got off, Essha said, "Okay, bestie, I'll come in later," smiling. "Please, don't leave me like you did yesterday. I waited for you, but you didn't show up," Bestie said. "Forgive me, I was on the phone with Khalid until I fell asleep." "I understand. Khalid is pitiful; he wants to get married, but you are not sure," Bestie said. "Please, leave me alone. I'm not interested in love or marriage, just my studies." "May God choose the best for us," Bestie said. "Amen," Essha replied and went inside.
"Assalamualaikum?" "Wa'alaikumusalaam," Amir responded, following her. Mufeedat, their youngest, ran to hug her. "Welcome, Sis Essha." "Thank you, mummy's baby. Where is mummy?" "She's in the kitchen. You know daddy is fasting today, it's Thursday." "Yes, that's true. I will go see her. Where is Walid?" "Oh, sorry sis, I was engrossed in my game. You know, if you don't concentrate on a racing game, you'll lose. That's why I didn't turn around. And sis, I will beat you at it." "Come on, be quiet," she said. "Has daddy returned?" "Yes, but he went out with Khairat to the chemist nearby." "Subhanallah, may God protect us," they all responded.
She went to the kitchen to see her mother. "Mummy? Mummy? Mummy?" "Yes, Essha, why are you calling me like that? You didn't even greet me, just shouting 'mummy.'" "Oh, sorry, mummy. How is home?" "Everything is fine. How was the event?" "Mummy, you should have seen the place; it was beautiful. Let me show you." "Where was it?" her mother asked. "At Ta'al Conference Hotel." She pulled out a shiny phone from her bag (an iPhone X+). "Look, mum." "Wow, it was beautiful. The bride was stunning too. Let the brides come out," her mother said. "You and your jokes. Go change your clothes and help me set the table; your daddy will be home soon," her mother said. "Who will help me with Khairat? My leg is hurting," Essha said. "That's none of your business. Go do the work I asked you to do," her mother replied. "Okay, mummy." She went to her room, which was beautifully decorated. After changing her clothes, she returned to help her mother set the table. As they finished, the call to Maghrib prayer began.