NUR DS specialist hsptl first floor academy building anyerinxs strt porthcrt 23 December...*_
With a kind of speed ambulance, the specialist went to the construction campus of the Mercedes Benz 3600mz2018 hospital. The two black ones behind the ambulance or the good parking lot did not come out quickly. No one's mind is in his body because of the intense violence in their hearts. I see that each of them cannot describe life without him...
Arikice reached the body of the ambulance just as the nurses, men and women, along with about five doctors, came out on the car and he was quickly taken out and was pregnant on the road. He was given water and blood because he was tied to the ambulance and he was wearing a cannula with Fara. they don't inject the blood. one shed a lot through his mouth..
In the midst of the violence of the doctors and nurses at the hospital, seeing their chief doctor and the owner of the hospital in this bad condition, they followed them until they reached the private safety emergency and entered him and closed the door of Dr Ayub, so he had the opportunity to look back quickly and want to calm them down. mind said,
Sorry ma'am you will have to wait hia and please calm your self insha Allah he'll be fine we'll do our all best just pray for him,,
He turned and went in with two nurses who came to enter and ran to carry some theater equipment..
She was not in a state of tension and burst into a kind of crying that was next to her, he quickly gathered her in a strong manner and opened his mouth to make him able to speak
Please mum just pray for him..
She cried a new cry and closed her eyes saying,
Oh God, bring ease and flexibility to this calamity, my son
That's what fate is Hard to consume..
He closed her mouth and quickly looked at her with his eyes closed and they were very violent...
He slowly turned around and looked at his side, just as Jass arrived, he didn't see much of the tension. He was coming and stopped to see the tension between each of them
He looked at Sufyaan's face and saw that tears filled his red eyes. He immediately felt his knees fall. He fell on the chair next to him and covered his face with his palms.
He bowed his head and saw that Jass's behavior in his heart was getting heavier.,
The tears that were pressing fell down on him when he raised his head and looked at his eyes as she was sitting. Nana was sitting next to her. She held both her hands and tried to calm Mata down in tears and violence, seeing as if she was lying downtata's sister will do it because since it happened or a good movement did not happen without tears but her eyes were wide open. Sam came to her window and cried more easily about this situation.
His eyes were closed and he was very sorry for ALEEYA of course all of them are in a different situation, but he went to Dan and she was in trouble with the change of life, it has been a long time since everything of hers was destroyed,
She said goodbye happily,
There is no drop of happiness left in her life,
Cheek, worry, crying, pain, pain and sadness are the only ones who have complete colonialism in their lives, but he said that the lives of all of them have forgotten how happy or relaxed they are
In the past, there will be a day when they will feel a worry, except for sadness, which will not stop listening. Dan will not accept it because of wealth, beauty, knowledge, civilization, privilege, and the good life of the holewa in their hands. Is everything turning around,
Even now, they don't lose anything, but everything seems to be empty because there is no happiness or peace of mind. Happiness is the wealth and beauty, and the knowledge, privilege and civilization are of no use in their lives, they are their lives
DAWOOD is another part of their life that they can describe life without,..
He slowly put his hand on the shoulders of Jass and greeted Masa Kai as a sign of persuasion.
They were calm and scared for an hour before the doctors started to come out until her tears stopped. Her eyes were very swollen.
Sam Batada was strong enough to move when doctor Jeremy and Dr Aqeel came before them
Seeing that she was trying to get into a new situation, Sufyaan held her and persuaded her
Saidai Jass stood up and his body was dancing because he was like a woman and he was very close to Nan in this way.
He looked at them with his red eyes and said,
How is h,,, he couldn't finish crying because he wanted to escape. He was silent. He was wiping his face with a handkachief..
Dr Aqeel was worried and Shima said,
Keep praying is the only thing we can say,
Kaida sufyaan are doctors, you know how things turn around, please just keep on praying for him because he really needs it...
They looked at mum in a calm voice and said,
19, December 2024
Barirah Salihu